Monday, March 17, 2014

2 months till Ragnar, 2 weeks till Great Bay 1/2 Marathon

The Amity Island Running Club is in full swing! No, not training and doing speed work. We're deciding on logos, what shirts we want and if we order koozies or not. I think we go for the koozies.

I got away from 2-3 milers last week and cranked out a couple 4 mile jaunts. It's starting to feel good to get going a little bit further and although I'm nervous, I am feeling good about the Great Bay 1/2 Marathon next month. 

Hockey is winding down, 4 skates left till the rink closes. After that my running will probably be bumped from 2-3x a week to 3-4x a week with strength training worked in. Having the extra daylight is so refreshing and invigorating! 

I managed to get in a 6 mile run Sunday, the weather was beautiful and I am really enjoying adding to my go-to loop. I've been using Running Map to get an idea of miles and really like the fact that they let you do a hybrid map, showing the satellite view with the roads. I've been using the Old Dump loop (3.75 miles) as a base and adding on to each end. I've noticed, thanks to RunKeeper and listening my own body, that I actually tend to speed up towards the end of my run. It just goes to show that the first mile really is the toughest (for me at least). At the distances I'm currently running, the biggest challenge is mental, the body can handle it, it's just a matter of getting the mind on board.