Monday, January 13, 2014

Gluten Free Mac & Cheese

Just over a year ago, after a extremely uncomfortable allergy session that completely ruined my Christmas Eve, I decided to try eating Gluten Free, more realistically, Low Gluten. A friend had gone GF for other reasons and had noticed a drop in her seasonal allergies. I read a few articles and figured, "what have I got to lose?" Yes. Pasta, bread, beer, etc. ALL THE GOOD STUFF.

Well, a year in, I've significantly reduced my allergies. The number of days I've had to take an allergy medication has decreased incredibly. I still have pasta from time to time and will have a couple beers when beer club meetings role around but my Guinness days are limited (sadly!). So long story short, it seems to be working for me, between the GF and the Neti pot, I'm a much happier camper. I'm pretty thankful that it's a pretty minor aversion, meaning I can partake in my favorite gluten filled dishes once in a while. 

Here's a favorite recipe, I like to add some veggies and maybe some liguicia...

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